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AP Exam FRQs

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Looking for questions to put on your AP Calculus assessments? Here you’ll find a list of every released AP Calculus Exam FRQ organized by unit, topic, content, and FRQ type. Use the search feature to refine your results.


Tips for searching:


  • To find FRQs from a particular unit, use quotes around the unit name (“Unit 4”).

  • To search for questions that satisfy more than one criteria, use AND to separate the criteria. Searching “Unit 5” AND Yes  would give all Unit 5 FRQs that allow the use of a graphing calculator. Searching inflection AND “absolute maximum” would give all FRQs that ask students to find points of inflection and an absolute maximum within the same question. 

  • Use OR if the FRQ should include either the first criteria OR the second. (MVT OR IVT)

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